Our Key Strategic Pillars
The Board of Directors of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics meets yearly to determine the most important issues facing infant, child, and adolescent health care in the state. Through member feedback, legislative analysis, and evaluation of the pediatric landscape, our board members outline key strategic priorities for the chapter with action plans to provide resources and quality improvement programs surrounding these areas.
Our key strategic priorities are organized into three core pillars that define the extension of our work and the direction and development of our future projects. Each pillar has specific goals and outcomes geared towards member participation.
Adolescent Health
From immunizations to mental health, from guidance on risk behaviors to confidential, trusted advice for teens, pediatricians are crucial advocates for adolescents. Screenings and regular visits during pre-teenhood and teenhood are crucial in guiding healthy habits and forming a positive lifestyle. WIAAP works to provide quality resources for our members to help keep adolescents engaged in their care.
First 1,000 Days – EBCD
The promotion of early brain and child development (EBCD) is an essential element of pediatric care. Coupled with supporting the development of a positive, nurturing relationship between the parent and child, health professionals must foster a strong foundation for children’s lifelong learning, behavior, and health.
Mental Health
In light of the growing evidence of mental health disorders among infant, child, adolescent and young adult health care, including in early childhood, clinicians are being called upon to screen, diagnose and treat patients in the primary care medical home. As there are not enough mental health providers to meet the needs of these patients, WIAAP considers providing support to pediatricians crucial in ensuring timely quality care. As there are not enough mental health providers to meet the needs of these patients, WIAAP considers providing ongoing education and supports to pediatrician is essential to providing timely, quality care.