How We Help
WIAAP stays up-to-date on important topics in pediatrics and provides ways to share best practices and resources with our members. Through news articles, pieces written by members, open forums, and communications, WIAAP works to keep all members attuned to changes in pediatric care. With educational & discussion forums, partnership-driven educational opportunities, and member input, WIAAP strives to be a gold standard in resource information for our members.
WIAAP plans and hosts events to drive professional networking, health advocacy, and education in the pediatric profession. Our annual Advocacy Day provides pediatric professionals with legislative experience and an opportunity to discuss children’s healthcare with legislators. WIAAP also hosts an annual open forum that is open to all and provides a rich educational discussion during which members offer their experience, best practices, and knowledge.
Quality Improvement
WIAAP strives to create Quality Improvement programs that allow for meaningful participation by all pediatric professionals. Our administrative team works closely with board members, the AAP, and other AAP chapters to offer interactive conferences, online community networks, webinars, and other resources to help pediatricians gain MOC credits.
MOC Programs
WIAAP actively works to create educational resources and programs to aid pediatric professionals in attaining QI credits for MOC. The Committee on Quality Improvement of Pediatrics, established by WIAAP in 2015, works to improve capacity for pediatric quality improvement projects in Wisconsin, assist in the development and implementation of meaningful pediatric quality measures in Wisconsin, and acts as a liaison with the QI department of the National Chapter of the AAP.